Friday, April 3, 2020

A Journal of Physical Chemistry

A Journal of Physical ChemistryA journal of physical chemistry is another way to write down chemical compounds. Chemists often refer to these articles as 'Dictionary' because they are based on compounds that are already known to the chemist. Chemists usually write a whole group of chemical compounds and use dictionary names to put their collective efforts into the article. These entries are not very easy to understand and tend to be quite confusing for the layman.California has some of the oldest studies and journals on the history of chemistry. These journals have been archived for over sixty years and contain references to the best physical processes that have been known and discovered since the origin of organic chemistry. The California Historical Society publishes a historical journal called The California Magazine. It is available for viewing online and on the printed copies that are distributed in bookstores across the state.The California Institute of Technology (known as Cal tech) maintains a website where you can look up information about chemical structures and their associations with the periodic table. Caltech gives quite a few universities with links to their sites for teachers and scientists who have been trying to get some outside help on a particular topic. Caltech has put together a list of links to other schools of chemistry that specialize in specific fields. You can go through all the links here.A college chemistry course offers you the chance to study chemical structures and make chemical compounds. Some colleges that offer chemistry courses also offer a certain amount of hands-on experience in the classroom. These chemistry courses usually have prerequisites that you must fulfill in order to enroll in the course. There are dozens of chemistry courses that you can take, including advanced science coursework. You might want to take one of these chemistry courses if you want to master some chemistry.Scientific journals give the chemistry comm unity a lot of useful information. These journals have journals on chemistry that you can access online. Many of these journals are for general readership. If you have an interest in chemistry but do not want to try to do some research or read a lot of research journals, you can read these journals online.These scientific journals usually have articles that describe chemical elements and how they are related to one another. You can use these chemical elements to study chemical compounds. The Caltech Journal of Physical Chemistry, The California Magazine, and The Colorado Journal of Chemistry all publish chemical elements.Chemical elements are used to put chemical compounds into useful recipes. The molecules are often made of simple components such as water, oxygen, and nitric acid.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Solve Algebra Equations - Online Tutoring - Maths Equations Help

Solve Algebra Equations - Online Tutoring - Maths Equations Help Algebra is one of the most important and prominent branches of mathematics. Algebraic equations contains numbers, constants, known and unknown variables, exponents to the variables. The study of algebra consists of solving for the known and unknown variables. There are different mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division used to solve the equations according to the requirement. Example 1: Simplify and solve for x in the equation 6 x 1 = 5? Solution: Given equation is 6 x 1 = 5. Here the unknown variable which needs to be solved for is x. First step: Adding 1 on both sides of the given equation. (6 x 1) + 1 = 5 + 1. This gives 6 x = 6. Now dividing both sided of the equation by 6.That is 6 x/ 6 = 6 / 6. This reduces the given equation to x = 1. Hence the solution is x = 1. Example 2: Simplify the equation 4 (x 3) + 5 (x + 2) - 10? Solution: Given equation is 4 (x 3) + 5 (x + 2) - 10. Here the variable is x; distributing the number in front of the braces. This gives 4 (x - 3) = 4 x 12; 5 (x + 2) = 5 x + 10. Combining the similar terms in the equation. This gives 4 x 12 + 5 x + 10 - 10 = 9 x 12. Hence the simplified form of the equation is 9 x - 12.

Friday, March 6, 2020

ACT Prep options-Online Tutoring Sessions can be the Answer to Your Search

Looking for SAT/ACT Prep options-Online Tutoring Sessions can be the Answer to Your Search 0SHARESShare It is that time of the year when almost every student, preparing for high school, can be seen lurking into books and burning the midnight oil. Yes, it the time for high school entrance exams like SAT, ACT, COOP and HSPT. If you too are preparing for any of these high school exams, then online tutoring sessions can prove to be a great help. There are several benefits of taking online tutoring sessions for SAT, ACT, COOP and HSPT exams. Some of them are: Interactive Learning: You get to learn in a new and interesting way. This means no more cramming and book reading. 24/7 Online Help: The World Wide Web never sleeps. With online tutoring sessions, you can get your doubts cleared from your online tutors at any particular point. Help is available 24/7. Other than these there are several other benefits for which majority of students today are looking at online tutoring sessions as one stop academic solution. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Nevada State College

What is it Like to Attend Nevada State College Cynthia is a current student atNevada State College. She is majoring in nursing, and specializes in anatomy tutoring, elementary math tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Nevada State College: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Cynthia: While Nevada State College is a little over 10 years old, its growing and expanding like crazy. The campus is set in the rural area of Henderson, NV. The location can be a bit out of the way for some, but there is a bus line that one can catch to get to school. I feel really safe on campus; we have the police officers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas constantly on campus. The campus is small enough to get to know everyone, but large enough that you don't feel smothered. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Cynthia: The faculty members are all awesome. You can always come and talk to the professors and make an appointment to meet with an adviser; they even have open hours for walk-ins. I love that the classes are now beginning to have course assistants along with SI (supplemental instruction). This helps with any questions you may have with the classes. The SI sessions really help, especially with tough classes, such as pharmacology. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Cynthia: While the campus is still small and there are no dorms as of yet, there is still a big opportunity to socialize and meet other students. With the recent addition of two new buildings, we now have a small food court area that has great food, as well as a Starbucks. The school is always having some sort of activity going on, and there are clubs that one may join if interested. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Cynthia: Nevada State College is known for its BSN nursing program, as well as other majors, such as education, science, and psychology. I chose to go toNSC for the nursing program, and just finished my first semester as a nursing student. I feel that this college is great at supporting the nursing program. The school provides you with the tools and resources needed to accomplish your educational needs. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Cynthia: It was very easy for me to make friends, as the classes are not very large and everyone is really nice. There is no Greek life currently at NSC; however, I have seen students petitioning to bring Greek life to NSC. I like that NSC is very open to all people and organizations they feel will help the diversity of the school. How helpful is the Career Center and other student support services? Cynthia: I have seen many graduates out in the workforce, especially when doing my clinicals for class. Employers and past graduates have nothing but praise when they hear of people coming out of our college. There are many services available to students on campus. The great thing is, if its not available on campus, NSC students have the opportunity to use the resources at UNLV. How are the various study areas such as libraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Cynthia: The library is great. There is plenty of room to study, as well as rooms that can be checked out for times when you need to study with a group. The library does not have books; however, you have many resources onlineover 1 million books. If you really need to see the book in print or if its not available online, the librarians will find a way to get it for you to borrow. Describe the surrounding town. Cynthia: The surrounding town of Henderson is nice. There is everything you could need from a small town, and its right next door toLas Vegas. There is always something to dofrom museums, to water parks, to riding a roller coaster, or seeing a show. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Cynthia: The student body is growing each semester, and I am very pleased with the class sizes. The classes are not too large; they are just the right size so you can know everyone, and the professors can manage the class well. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you regret the most. Cynthia: One of my most memorable times was after a week of studying for finals. I was walking out of math class, and to my surprise, the school had provided pizza, chicken wings, salads, and drinks, as a way of letting us know that we are supported and that we work hard. Another memorable occurrence was in one of my nursing classes. The professor always played relaxing music for the first 10 minutes of class, just to get everyone relaxed and calm before we learn. I have always loved this and looked forward to class time. Check out Cynthias tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Singers How to Warm Up Your Vocal Cords

Singers How to Warm Up Your Vocal Cords Suzy S. Image via Wikipedia Ancient civilizations discovered powerful truths about vocalizing and singing that are relevant to modern students of voice and song. We all go through our daily lives speaking, humming, and singing some of the time without realizing the effects of things we do half-consciously. Or maybe we just suspect it! Well here are some facts!! By focusing on singing, speaking, or chanting the vowels (A,E,I,O,U) we release a myriad of emotions in an uplifting and healing manner. Chanting or singing mantras are based on vowel-combinations that when chanted in a particular way produce a vibrating effect on our entire system, our nerves, glands, and the brain. Here are some vowel sounds to use for warmup drills. Singers, performers of all kinds, and instrumentalists may benefit from using these simple exercises. A (pronounced “Ah”) Induces a state of calm, peace, serenity. Resonates at the toop of the thorax and esophagus (upper chest). The vibrations have a healing effect on the heart. A(pronounced as in “glass”) resonates in the upper part of the lungs.E(pronounced “eh”) Develops self-confidence. It resonates in the neck, throat, vocal chords, teeth, and thyroid glands. I (pronounced “ee”) is the vowel of laughter. It resonates in the bridge of the nose and crown of the head, affecting the brain and organs of the skull. O (pronounced as in “home”) Turns inward and gives the sensation of seriousness, completion, and perfection. It vibrates in the lower part of the lung, heart, and stomach. OU (pronounced “oo”) has a similar sensation to O, but sweeter.It vibrates in the lower abdomen, affecting the kidneys and stomach. Simple warmup exercises that help you get emotionally clear and refreshed: Balancing the Whole Body: A E I (pronounced ahh-ee) O OU For the ears: ENN For the nose and sinuses: MA For the head and jaw: YA YOU YAI For the stomach: HUH HUH HUH Vowels are to be sounded with the full energy of a deep breath. For example, when using I (pronounced ah-eee), inhale first, and then without exhaling, sound a strong and piercing EEEEE, parting your mouth as in a smile. Keep at the same pitch. Keep sounding as you exhale but do not use up all your air. Rest and repeat the exercise 3 to 4 times. Soon you will notice a definite vibrating effect in your head which is pleasant. This activity helps to clear the brain, eyes, nose, and ears. This is a good morning exercise!! Richard is a voice, guitar and piano instructor in Berkeley, CA.

Career Coaching in Manchester

Career Coaching in Manchester Finding the Right Career Coach in Manchester ChaptersWhen Should You Get Career Coaching in Manchester?Choosing the Right Career Coach in ManchesterCareer Coaching Agencies in ManchesterFinding a Career Coach in ManchesterThe Cost of Career Coaching in Manchester“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter DruckerSo how do you do it?A lot of students aren’t necessarily happy with the decisions they made concerning their education.So when and how can you change careers?To make things clearer, whatever your goals are, a career coach can help. Whether you’re looking for career coaching in a business or individual career coaching, changing careers, learning some transferable skills, there’s no lack of coaches in Manchester.Are you wanting to change career? Looking for jobs? Wanting a new job or career path?Then you might want to consider getting help from a career coach to change your career. In this article, we're going to look at when you should consider getting a career coach, how to choose the right o ne, how career coaching agencies can help, how much you can expect to pay, and how you go about finding them once you know what you want. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhen Should You Get Career Coaching in Manchester?Career coaching can help anyone’s career. They’ll be able to evaluate your situation and help you transition to another career, if necessary.Get personal development training today.Looking for a change of career? (Source: Pexels)Career coaching can also help you learn new skills and get ahead in your professional life. More and more people are choosing to get in touch with career coaches to achieve their goals.Whatever your professional situation, you can get in touch with a coach. You don’t need to be part of a business to get in touch with career coaches, though. If you’re self-employed or unemployed, a career coach can help you find work.You can also do practise tests or interviews and your career coach can help you get your dream job.Career coaches are also often called into businesses. In this case, your bosses will suggest career coaching and pay the coach’s fees. Coaches can either teach individuals within a business or the whole workforce in order to improve teamwork or synergy.As a boss, you could also get in touch with a career coach to help you man age your time, improve your public speaking, etc. This could help you significantly at work and secure your role in the business.Career coaches can also help those looking to change careers. They’ll do an appraisal of your skills and goals in order to set achievable objectives. Then they can help you find the career for you.If you’re a student, don’t hesitate to get a career coach to help you with planning for exams. While many may be beyond the budget of students, you may be able to find an affordable one to help you.Whether it’s career development, self-confidence, getting a degree, evaluating your career, professional development, communication skills, time management, avoiding burnout, getting a qualification, academic orientation, there are plenty of worthwhile reasons for getting a career coach in Manchester.There’s also career coaching in London!Choosing the Right Career Coach in ManchesterThe number of career coaches is growing. More and more people are training to become career coaches, life coaches, or personal coaches.Your career coach will probably have plenty of questions for you. (Source: rawpixel)But how do you find the right one for you?Whether you find them online, through classified ads, or another way, you should establish the criteria for choosing the right one. Don’t forget to ask for an interview with one of them.Start by asking them about their experience. Their previous experience will play a huge part in how they’re able to help people. If your coach has spent several years working in a given business, they’ll have a better understanding of how it works.  Each coach is different and each can help different people in different ways.Pay attention to what professional experience each potential career coach has. You’ll also have a better idea of what you can talk about.  Not every career coach will be professionally trained in the discipline, but this doesn’t mean they’re incompetent. A lot of them will have a wealth of experience in managing teams, for example.This experience is often more valuable than any qualification.  However, some coaches will have done special training. This is definitely a plus.Above all, your coach needs to remain discreet. There needs to be a level of confidentiality between you and your coach, especially if you’re getting coaching within a business. Anything you say needs to stay between you.To find the ideal coach, take the time to get to know them during an interview. Your choice should be made according to your needs.Skills assessments? Leading meetings? Teamwork?Many coaches specialise in different skills.You can also get career coaching in Birmingham. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.0 0 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCareer Coaching Agencies in ManchesterThere are a number of companies offering career coaching to those in Manchester and the northwest.Career coaching can help you advance. (Source: rawpixel)Whether it’s breathing exercises for managing stress, public speaking, conducting meetings, retraining, personality tests, building self-confidence, supervising projects, personal development, or leadership, take your time and work towards your career goals.  Most career coaching agencies will offer help in the following areas:A job searchStarting a new career or changing careerNetworkingWriti ng a cover letter and creating a CVCareer assessmentInterviewingLearning transferable skillsStarting your own businessPreparing for a job interviewThere are a number of companies that specialise in this kind of education, be it appraisals, individual coaching sessions, a career change, recruitment, training, etc.There’s also career coaching in Leeds and Yorkshire.Finding a Career Coach in ManchesterIn addition to specialised agencies, there are career coaches working independently. These coaches will probably advertise using their own websites, classified ads, etc.Manchester is a big enough city to find career coaching. (Source: 2taol)It can be a little harder trusting an independent career coach, but it can come with a number of advantages.Private career coaching sessions should be tailored to you and its up to you and your coach to decide on what works best. While your coach will suggest things, you should have the final say.Private career coaching sessions can be used to help d ecide which career coach works for you, especially on the Superprof platform. Each coach has their own profile which explains what they offer and how much they charge. You can also find out more about their professional experience.  You’ll be spoilt for choice.In addition to online platforms, you can also find career coaching through classified ads or word of mouth. The latter means that you should be able to find out a bit about them before you hire them.As one of the biggest cities in the UK, it’s no surprise that there are plenty of options for those looking for career coaching in Manchester.The Cost of Career Coaching in ManchesterNot everyone can afford career coaching. Make sure you’ve chosen the right coach before you start paying them.  However, if you’re part of a business, the business itself may pay for your career coaching. Of course, they’ll probably only do this if your goal is to make your way up the ladder in their business.In this case, it’ll be the busi ness who chooses the career coach and pays for them. However, this doesn’t mean your career coach is there to tell management everything you say. Even if your career coach is hired by your company, they need to respect a code of ethics.While the cost of a session from a career coaching agency can be quite expensive, the average cost of private career coaching on Superprof is £31 per hour. Additionally, the first hour is usually offered for free as a taster session or a way to get to know one another, outline goals, and establish the professional relationship that you'll have.Whatever you choose, make sure it’s the right choice for you and your career. A career transition needn't be stressful. A career coach will work with your strengths and weaknesses and ensure that you get a job that you have a passion for and, ideally, with a better salary, too!If you're interested in offering career coaching, you can always set up a profile on Superprof. By creating a profile, you can expla in the services you offer, highlight your experience and qualifications, set your rate, and start finding clients. By offering a quality service, your profile will soon be full of glowing reviews, which will help potential students or clients to find you more easily. Remember that they're after a bespoke service and not a one-size-fits-all solution for their careers!You can also get career coaching in Glasgow.

Listening Exercise A Discussion on Dialects

Listening Exercise A Discussion on Dialects This is an interesting English listening exercise partly because it may be challenging for students more familiar with a North American neutral accent.One of the unique qualities of LOI English is our teachers come from several different English speaking countries. Taking classes with teachers that have different accents will strengthen your overall listening abilities and prepare you for exams.The IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, First Certificate, and PET love to have different accents in their listening parts of the exam. Some of the accents are even difficult for native English speakers to understand  at first. Listen to this amazing actor and his accent. One thing to note is the Idris Elba is a master at changing his accent from British to North American to South African.Answer the questions below in comments and we will respond.1. What is the first question that Idris Elba asks? 2. What role do many hope is in Idris Elbas future? 3. What were his concerns with playing the character in Beasts of a Nation? 4. What does he consider every character? 5. What was similar between himself and the character he played, Stringer Bell? 6. Why did he choose his uncles voice for the character he played in Beasts? 7. Does he want to do more dark roles?Do you think that Idris would make a good James Bond? Why or why not? How many different dialects/accents does your language have?